WHAT: GreenDrinks Bonn March Meetup featuring Bürgerenergie Rhein-Sieg
WHEN: March, 10, 19-21.00hrs
WHERE: Rheinpavillon, Rathenau Ufer 1, 53113 Bonn, Germany
HOW: Walk, cycle, car-pool or use public transportation
SPECIAL GUEST: Thomas Schmitz, CEO of Bürger-Energie Rhein-Sieg e.G.
This month we’d like to focus again on #SDG7 (affordable & clean energy) and shine a light on a regional renewable energy transition player.
Across Germany, citizens have taken a direct stake in the transition to a cleaner energy supply through ownership of renewable energy installations. A common form are energy cooperatives like Bürger-Energie Rhein-Sieg. https://be-rhein-sieg.de/
The City of Bonn aims to be carbon neutral by 2035. HOW can we turn this goal together into reality? The initiative Bonn im Wandel recently submitted a citizen proposal to the City — Bonn4Future – Together for Climate — as a roadmapto to engage citizen partipation. https://bonnimwandel.de/bonn4future-wir-fuers-klima-buergerantrag/
GreenDrinks Bonn is a casual monthly mixer for everyone interested in green business and environmental issues and part of the international GreenDrinks network now active in more than 500 cities. www.greendrinks.org/bonn
Our goal is to bring together eco-friendly people and help shape a future that’s green and sustainable.and create a conversation where individuals can share ideas and opportunities, or gain support for a cause. We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 7 pm in different venues to support local business and Bonn’s growing sustainability eco-system.