Colombian Geothermal Asocciation AGEOCOL formalised

On January 1, 2018 de Colombian Geothermal Asocciation AGEOCOL (Asociación Geotérmica Colombiana) was formalised under the Bogota Chamber of Commerce and started working officially. Several initiatives to gather people interested in geothermal energy in Colombia started in the last 5 years. While the efforts of isolated people were not that effective, a group of like-minded people, passionate for geothermal, gave it a kick start in 2017.

AGEOCOL’s main purpose is to facilitate the interaction among communities, government, industry and academia, for the promotion of research, development and use of geothermal resources in Colombia with social and environmental responsibility, under the values of leadership, unity and solidarity. AGEOCOL is supporting already existing groups and activities related to geothermal energy in Colombia and will look for opportunities for them to thrive and be known in the region and internationally. This includes the annual geothermal gathering RENAG (Reunión Anual de Geotermia), the GRC student chapters, and regional technical meetings.

The Association has a membership base of over a hundred people including profesionales, students and  people interested in developing and undertaking geothermal projects. It became a member of the IGA in 2017. AGEOCOL BoD is composed of Pablo Aguilera as the President, Valeria García as Vice-President, Angela Prieto as the Secretary and Carolina Coronado as the Treasurer.

You can contact us in and find us here.