
Workshop “Vocational Training in Europe” at the DGK in Munich, Germany

Project workshop of geo2spain, GSS-VET, Geozert and GeoTrainet at German Geothermal Congress

The availability of qualified personal is a bottleneck for the expansion of shallow geothermal energy in many countries. Specific knowledge for heting installers as well as for drilling staff or planners and designers. The workshop presents the training course approaches of the projects geo2spain, GSS-VET, Geozert and GeoTrainet. In a second part the participants are invited to an open discussion.

In “Vocational Education and Training in Europe: The GSS-VET Project” our Technical Director Gregor Rumberg will report about the latest project results, the implementation of innovative teaching methods, experiences from the international collaboration and a possible utilization on the German market.

Date: 19. November 2019, 14:00 – 17:40
Venue: Gaszählerwerkstatt Munich

Download Workshop Flyer (pdf, 0.2 MB)
Website “Der Geothermiekongress”