Entries by IGA Team

ENEL and GenerationS call for the start-ups in renewable energy, thermal generation and sustainable development

GenerationS corporate accelerator and ENEL launch a call for projects in renewable energy, thermal generation and sustainable development.Best teams will get a chance to present the product to ENEL’s top management, launch a paid pilot with ENEL Group and scale up to international markets. Participation is free of any charges. A prototype or finished products […]

New special issue in “Geothermal Energy “(GEEN): Tracers in Deep Geothermal Systems

Call for papers: Tracers in Deep Geothermal Systems Contributions are now being accepted. This special issue addresses tracer investigations in geothermal systems to characterize the critical properties of geothermal reservoirs. Contributions may address new tracers or tracer test methods, and may involve single-well to multi-well tests with conservative and reactive tracers, novel tracer substances – […]

European Geothermal Workshop: 9-10 October, Karlsruhe, Germany

7th European Geothermal Workshop dedicated to a characterization of deep geothermal systems aims at discussing new approaches, methods or data in the fields of deep geothermal reservoirs for energy exploitation, with a strong focus on on-going research. It proposes a platform of scientific exchange, especially between PhD students and scientists. Also, during the workshop the […]

Geothermal Ambassadors wanted

We are almost ready to launch our updated and extended geothermal power database. Dozens of geothermal experts have already contributed to it. Some were even mentioned in the media, like for example Dr. Azwindini Ernest Tshibalo. The Deputy Director responsible for Curriculum Development and Transformation in the College of Law (CLAW), he will be conducting […]


Registration for WGC 2020 opened

The registration for the World Geothermal Congress 2020 has opened. Early bird registration is available until Jan 15, 2020. The WGC 2020 will take place from 27 April – 1 May 2020 at Harpa Reykjavik Concert & Conference Centre and will bring the entire geothermal community together under the theme of Connect to the Source.

IGA Board of Directors Election 2020-2023 started

The election for the IGA Board of Directos started today, 30 June 2019 and will run until 30 September 2019. We are proud to announce that following the Board’s decision on ensuring gender balance and equality almost 40% of current candidates are female. Click here to watch a video about nomination process. You can vote for up to 25 […]

Registration Opens for GRC Annual Meeting & Expo

Special deals for early birds and students at prestigious geothermal energy event (Palm Springs, California, USA)  Registration is now open for the biggest annual geothermal energy event of the year. The GRC Annual Meeting & Expowill bring together geothermal companies, academics, financiers, policy leaders, students, and other individuals to attend or exhibit at the event, […]

REN21 Renewables 2019 Global Status Report available online!

The REN21 Renewables 2019 Global Status Report is now available online! It gives a comprehensive overview of the state of renewable energy. The report confirms that for the fourth consecutive year, more renewable power capacity was installed than fossil fuel and nuclear power combined We would like to thank Rana Adib, REN21 Executive Secretary, for […]

Geothermal Student Days in Canada

This meeting is the first of its kind to be held in Canada. Organized by students and for students the event aims to bring together graduate students to post-doc fellows from Canada’s East to West coasts to discuss and share their research projects related with the field of geothermal energy. Beyond inspirational speakers and students’ presentations, more […]


Invitation for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to host the World Geothermal Congress (WGC) 2023

The International Geothermal Association (IGA) seeks Expressions of Interest (EOI) from member organisations who would like to  host the World Geothermal Congress (WGC) in the year 2023. Please download the Invitation for further Information: EOI-WGC2023 (pdf, 2,5 MB) [Update 01.04.2019] Please send your Invitee’s Response until 30 April 2019, 0:00 CET per E-Mail to: wgc2023@lovegeothermal.org.