Start-end date: 2016-2020
The IGA is a partner in GSS-VET Project. Geothermal- and Solar Skills – Vocational Education and Training aims at providing new environmental skills for the construction sector. Training providers have not yet caught up with the new skills demand, creating an important skills gap in the current labour market. Following the identification of skills needs, the partners will create an innovative training including work-based and ubiquitous learning and flipped classroom for geothermal and for solar energy system installers (EQF level 4-5). The training content will be focused on technical skills but also on transversal ones, including entrepreneurship, ICT, interdisciplinary skills and ability to work effectively with people from other disciplines.
For the above an e-Learning Platform is to be designed with corresponding digitalized contents. 40 trainers and 200 workers will directly be trained during the project’s lifetime, and thanks to the involvement of VET providers, sectorial organizations (including an EU umbrella), regional authorities and other associated partners, 2,500 workers will be trained by 2025.
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